“queer as in being about the self that is at odds with everything around it and has to invent and create and find a place to speak and to thrive and to live.
— bell hooks
alysa l’se. the dreamer. the writer. the guide. the passionately practical, delusional, impulsive, leo stellium. the sensitive, stubborn, hopeless romantic cancer. the anxious, capricorn rising, 6/2 projecting, neurodiverging overplanner. the lesbian. the black woman. the little “too grown” black girl. the friend. the eldest sister. the only daughter. the remothering. existing, everywhere, all at once.
for as long as i can remember, i’ve found myself trying to fit into spaces that made me feel small and be enough for everyone but myself. i overstayed my welcome in boxes i knew i was meant to break through because i didn’t want to take up space or be seen as “too much”. coming out of this shell, i am realizing that i have to be honest about who i am, who i want to be and make room for how i need to show up for that person.
as someone living through the intersections of marginalization, i wasn’t just looking for belonging and representation across the spaces i loved but for others to have the same. it’s rare that women, femmes and queer folks alike are able to take part in creative avenues that don’t require us to leave pieces of ourselves at the door. while inclusion is important, beyond allies, we need to be around people who share our experiences without having to explain. sometimes, we just want to be somewhere with people who just… get it. simply.
as i come out of my mask, i am working to inspire queer creatives to break the binaries of society and live comfortably in the person who feels joyful, at ease and proud of the life they’ve built. too often are we told to leave our dreams behind because the road is “uncomfortable”. but as one of my favorite word magicians Reyna biddy says, “uncomfortable places can be beautiful. growth will always be beautiful.”
we are more than what society can conceptualize of us. we are more than the story that makes sense outside of us. we are more than what we produce in fear and performance because we offer our best when we’ve given it to ourselves. our magic isn’t to be consumed but created. protected. the world can get the overflow.
herrose co. was named after and in honor of my grandmother, Roberta rosebud brown, who passed in may of 2021. to me and my others, she represents the pillar and true meaning of unconditional, free-flowing love. rosebud was a mother of 6, grandmother of 2, holiday enthusiast, passionate caregiver, philanthropist, cornbread connoisseur, the list goes on. but above all, she was a god fearing, heart of gold.
today, i carry her faith, surrender, commitment to community and selflessness in my work, hoping to represent her legacy well and instill the same values in the generations to come after me.
“god has planted seeds of greatness inside of you. he has predestined those things inside your heart to come to pass. you may have had more than your share of unfair things happen in your life but understand, the depth of your past is an indication to the height of your future. it’s your time and your season to move forward into the destiny god has prepared for you.”
- roberta rosebud brown.
the talented role model.
6/2 Projector
Emotional authority
gift channels: awareness, marketing & community
seeker, alchemist, advocate & visionary
reading from the cosmic doula of zen wellness space
opening up the can of worms that was my human design profile was probably the biggest ‘aha’ moment i could’ve had while transitioning out of administrative work and finally taking the time to figure out what my life as a writer and creative could look like. to put the icing on the cake, my astrology chart almost perfectly aligned with what my design profile spelled out. funny enough, two months before deciding to pivot, an astrologer straight-up told me that i probably wouldn’t be sticking with my business at the time for long as my work wasn’t allowing me the space to create and connect with my community in the way i needed to actually feel fulfilled. this along with a too heavy to ignore reality check and need for rebirth, sparked the birth of the creatives camp and evolution of hergarden, as i was working on building out the program and learning more about human design, i was connected with christine g. hill, the cosmic doula herself, who not only affirmed the vision but became a major key in bringing it to life.
as christine said when we first met, ‘astrology is like a big map, and human design is like the gps.’ we all have our own identities and paths, and these are just tools to help us get clear on where we’re headed. we can take what we need just as much as we can leave what we don’t.